More Simple Software/Security Threats

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More Simple Software/Security Threats

There are more type of Software/security threats-

Password Cracking

This is a technique attacker’s use to surreptitiously gain system access through another user’s account. This is possible because users often select weak passwords. The two major problems with the passwords are when they are easy to guess based on knowledge of the user and when they are susceptible to dictionary attacks (that is, using a dictionary as the source of guesses).

Denial-of-service attack

This attack exploits the need to have a service available. It is a growing trend on the internet because websites in general are open doors ready for abuse. People can easily flood the web server with communication in order to keep it busy.

Therefore, companies connected to the internet should prepare for (DoS) attacks. They also are difficult to trace and allow other types of attacks to be subdued.

More Simple Software/Security Threats


The sender address on internet e-mail cannot be trusted because the sender can create a false return address. Someone could have modified the header in transit, or the sender could have connected directly to the Simple Mail Transfer (SMTP) Port on the target computer to enter the e-mail.

Packet Replay

This refers to the recording and retransmission of message packets in the network. Packet replay is a significant threat for programs that require authentication sequences because an intruder could replay legitimate authentication sequence messages to gain access to a system. Packet replay is frequently undetectable, but can be prevented by using packet time stamping and packet sequence counting.

Packet Modification

This involves one system intercepting and modifying a packet destined for another system. Packet information may not only be modified, it could also be destroyed.

Social Engineering

This is a common form of cracking. It can be used by outsiders and by people within an organization. Social engineering is a hacker term for tricking people into revealing their password or some form of security information.

Intrusion Attacks

In these attacks, a hacker uses various hacking tools to gain access to the systems. These can range password-cracking tools to protocol hacking and manipulation tools. Intrusion detection tools often can help to detect changes and varies that take place within systems and networks.

Network Spoofing

The reason for doing this is that system tend to operate within a group of other trusted systems. Trust is imparted in a one-to-one fashion; computer A trusts computer B (this doesn’t imply that system B trusts system A). Implied with this trust is that the system administrator of the trusted system is performing the job properly and maintaining an appropriate level of security for the system.

Network spoofing occurs in the following manner:

If computer A trusts computer B and computer C spoofs computer B, then computer C can gain otherwise-denied access to computer A.

Non-malicious Threats

Information system threats are classified mainly into 4 categories,

Physical Threats

These are the types of threats which include the physical damage to the computer system. This damage could be to either hardware or software. These damages could be due to natural calamity like earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, etc.

Accidental Errors

These are the type of threats that occur accidently like occurrence of any unexpected error or system falling short of the storage space. Accidental error can cause corruption of data when an unexpected error occurs.

Malicious Misuse

It consists of any kind of tampering done with the system or the communication channel or the network with the intention of causing harm to the system or interruption in the communication. It consists of viruses, malware, Trojan horse, spyware etc.

System must have an antivirus or anti-spyware software to counter the act of spying from any attacker.

Unauthorized Access

This kind of threat describes the case when a person who is not authorized gets an access to the restricted areas of the system. If this happens, the data that are stored in the system becomes highly vulnerable to any kind of tampering.

To overcome these kinds of threats we use authentication and authorization.

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