Cyber Security

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Cyber Security

When we think about cybersecurity the first thing which comes in our mind is computer security and a major question comes that computer security and cybersecurity are different from each other or the same? I believe that they are different.

What is Computer Security?

Computer security is the protection of computing systems and the data that they store or access. Computer security is information security as applied to computers and networks.

The field covers all the processes and mechanisms by which computer-based equipment, information and services are protected from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction. Computer security also includes protection from unplanned events and natural disasters.

Cyber Security

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber Security requires greater situational awareness. Cyber Security is not about the password security which I used to authenticate against something like a firewall. Cyber security is more about monitoring behaviours and our cyber monitoring efforts.

Cyber Security includes not only access control lists, firewalls, intrusion protection systems, flow throttling, deep packet inspection, signatures, and similar terms but also security event correlation, application traffic flow analytics, and intrusion detection. Cyber Security specializes in the area of network behaviour analysis.

The complete concept of cyber security is based on finding the vulnerabilities and eliminating them before anyone else find that particular vulnerability and exploits it to gain unauthorized access to the classified data. Here we are going to discuss vulnerabilities and their causes and most importantly the impact of the exploitation of the vulnerability. There are hundreds of vulnerabilities; we will only put lime light on the frequently exploited vulnerabilities.


A backdoor in a computer system is an algorithmic born method of bypassing the authentication mechanism. It is used to gain unauthorized access to the private data and secures remote access to the computers while attempting to remain undetected. A backdoor can exist in many forms, it may be untrusted software installed on your computer that was intentionally generated and developed by the programmer to gain unauthorized access to the remote system.

Some common types of backdoors are rootkit and remote administration tool (developed by black shades).

Denial-of-Service attack

This attack is different from other kinds of vulnerabilities, while other vulnerabilities try to gain unauthorized access to the computer network. It attacks and paralyzes the availability among the three pillars CIA of the information security. It can be of many types i.e., Volumetric etc.

A denial of service attack can be performed on different layers of the OSI model i.e., network layer and the application layer.


This is the act of intentionally listening to the conversation between the host and the client. These types of vulnerabilities give birth to the man in the middle attack which can be used to exploit both the confidentiality and the integrity of the data. Confidentiality is exploited as soon as the man in the middle eavesdrops and sniffs the packet going in the correction and the integrity is exploited when he tries to manipulate the packets.


This is the software specially programmed to take advantage of a flaw in the architecture and the programming of a software network system. These are the automated bots to continuously perform actions like privilege escalation and denial of service attack.

We can take many countermeasures to overcome these vulnerabilities and secure our systems and to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data.

Reducing Vulnerabilities

It is possible to evaluate the correctness of certain classes of computer programs on a small scale. We can check the programs in testing and reject the programs which are found with vulnerabilities.

By reducing the vulnerabilities, we can reduce or minimize the cost caused by the attackers. There is a need to increase the sophistication of the testing programs because of an exponential increase in the sophistication of the programs and exploits used in the attacks.

Security Measures

The backbone of the security measures are the three processes; threat prevention, threat detection and response to the threats. Some security measures are given below;

Cryptography can secure the data in the transmission state. A person with the key can only decode the data in transmission and anyone who try to sniff the packets will not able to interpret the confidential data in transit.

Firewalls can be used to filter the malicious packets. Firewalls are set of protocols and all packets entering the firewall are checked and if and only if a packet satisfies the condition and adhere to the protocols of the firewall, it will be allowed to pass through the firewall.

Intrusion detection systems are developed to detect the ongoing attack; it also helps to solve the post attack forensics.

Hacking Back

This is the most recent countermeasure taken to strictly implement the cyber security modules. This section includes hacking back the servers of the organization or the individual that was involved in the hacking attempt.

Security Architecture

This defines the positioning of the security control units and defines how they are related to the overall information technology architecture. It is a unified security design that calculates the potential risk and necessities involved in an environment and also when and where to apply the security countermeasures. The key components of security architecture are;

It standardized all the countermeasures.

It defines the relationship between different components of security systems and also defines how different components depend on each other.

It determines countermeasures based on risk assessment, finances, and legal matters.

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