Work-related to the preparation of bill of quantity & tender document???


Tender Documents consist of the following:

1. Tender Drawings

 2. The specification

               • General requirements

               • Specification of workmanship and materials

 3. Bill of Quantities

 4. Conditions of Contract

 5. Form of Tender

 6. Form of Agreement

 7. Form of bond

 Tender Drawings

 • The purpose of tender drawings is to describe the project in sufficient detail so that the price submitted by the contractor can be expected to be realistic.

 The Specification

(a) PART A: General Requirements –

  •  Program and sequence of construction –
  • Liaison with other contractors –
  • List of tender drawings

(b) PART B: Specification of workmanship and materials

 It deals with the detailed requirements of every trade. The type, the quality and method of fixing (or fabrication) and testing of every item for incorporation in permanent works is described.


Bill of Quantities

                        • It serves the following purposes:

                        – To help to describe the scope of the works

                        – To provide a means for pricing

                       – To effect standardization for realistic price comparison (to provide a means of costs of different tenders

                      – To provide a means of valuing completed work

                      – To provide a basis (method) for pricing variations.

                      • The Contractor inserts a rate and multiplies it with the given quantity

 Conditions of Contract

                     • The purpose of the Conditions of Contract is:

                   – To define the responsibilities and liabilities of the parties to the contract.

                   – To describe the method of administration (by Engineer

                   • The Conditions of Contract define the terms under which the work is to be carried out, the relationship between the Employer and the Contractor, the powers of the Engineer and the terms of payment.

Form of Tender

• It is a standard letter of offer by the Contractor to execute the works. It is prepared by the Engineer and signed by the contractor.

• It contains the main points of the offer: – Starting date – Duration – Tender sum.

Form of agreement

• To set up names of parties, list of contract documents, signatures of parties, sealed contact documents, signatures, of parties, sealed contact

 • A standard form of agreement is the legal contract between the promoter and the contractor

 • It evidences the agreement of the Employer to pay the price indicated in the contractor’s tender and the contractor’s agreement to undertake the works in accordance with the tender documents.

Form of bond

• It is signed by both the contractor and a third party evidencing their agreement to pay a sum of money to the Employer in the event of the contractor’s default.

 • Often, the Employer worries whether the work will be good. Guarantee is provided by a third party (often a bank or an insurance company) to the contractor. If the contractor does not complete the work according to the specification (contract documents), he pays sum of money (bond) to the Employer.

• The form of bond is a guarantee in two ways: – Compensation to the Employer – If the Contractor can get bond by a third party, this means that it is an indication that he has got reputation.

 • The amount of bond is 10% of the contract sum.

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